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Intuititve Support Service




I am a leading therapist in ” Intuitive Soul support” as well as a medium, spiritual therapist/ counsellor, energy healing and  hands on massage therapist. My tool box of holistic therapies act as catalysts for releasing past traumas. These can be held in the body from traumatic events and  even childhood memories.  My aim is to free my clients from the limiting beliefs that hold us all back, so that we can start living life to our fullest, most amazing potential!

Who can benefit from my therapies?

Clients that come to me often feel that they are lacking direction, confidence or are feeling like something is missing in their lives.

​They could be suffering with anxiety, depression, PTSD, stress, fears phobias, anger or guilt. They could be feeling disconnected from a child, partner or parent.

Sessions are all unique to the clients needs and intuitively led. Therapies that I may utilise in a session include a combination of these below:

- Soul plan reading


- Matrix Reinprinting

- Kenisiology / muscle testing

- Sound healing

- Spiritual counseling

- Guided meditations and upgrades to the energy body

- Spiritual, Energy healing. including Spiritual/ DNA/ cellular upgrades

- Cellular clearing work, to help to promote physical health

- Energy clearing

- Holistic Life coaching and goal setting

- Mediumship/ spiritual guidence

- Teaching

I aim to give my clients the tools to take home to utilise in their lives and teach to loved ones. If time permits in a session I also teach the client about their own energy field how it is effected by others and how they affect others energetically too. Also how to protect and clear their own energy.

Sessions are Available face to face in Essex or on line via Zoom, Skpe, what’s app video, facetime or others.


120 minutes     £180


60 minutes     £111

You Can Rewrite

Your Story

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